Keep it simple
I have to keep reminding myself to keep it simple.
As the average number of people in our house increases monthly and the number of people we cook for also goes up, I try hard to think of inspiring meals that will work for large numbers of adults. Some days ready-washed salad, ready-made hamburgers and rice are perfect.
I have to keep it simple.
As the moments I get to myself are limited and often interrupted, I have to make sure I don’t put too much pressure on myself. I have to make sure I don’t use the lack of time as an excuse to not spend time with God. Two minutes meditating on one verse can be day-transforming.
I have to keep it simple.
I worry that my children don’t have enough extra-curricula activities or enough exposure to cultural things, or other children, and then I think about it, and realize that they do, and that they have a whole childhood to experience different things. I realize that the most important thing is their inner relationship with God and that they are peaceful, not rushed.
I realize that it is better to keep it simple.
As the demands from others come knocking on the door, I have to remember I am limited, it is okay to sometimes say 'no' and keep it simple.
I often focus on tomorrow and have to remind myself to slow down and enjoy today
– just stick with the simple.
It is so freeing.
It is so simple.
‘A plain and simple life is a full life.’
– Proverbs 13:7b (The Message)