Anna Burgess

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Some inspiration this week

Been thinking about doing this for a couple of weeks and just beginning to get myself organised here to try and record the stuff I am inspired by! I'm hoping to try and do this every week, but we will see how we go... 

The Blogposts
Here are some posts that have hit the spot this week… they seem to be writing about what I was thinking about writing about…so let’s have them say it!

1.  Crista Wells on the tensions between creativity and Motherhood:

2.  Steve Wiens on dying just a little bit more every day (and I can identify with the inner conflict when confronted when trying to doing my best)

3. Emily P. Freeman on recognising and embracing our limits... (yes, God is talking to me about this too...more with a couple of posts coming next week)

E-books I’ve started reading this week:

Wild Things: The Art of Nurturing Boys by Stephen James and David S. Thomas 

Albums I have downloaded this week:

Matthew Reed: Come and Drink

Daniel Bashta : The Invisibles the Instrumentals