This is how the children of God are meant to be: called to greatness, called to be powerful in the kingdom of God, to awe the world with our ability to love; to shine for Him.
This is how the children of God are meant to be: always recognizing and acknowledging our Maker – that all our strength and ability comes only because of Him. We are simply the created works of the Creator, created in His hands.
Oh, Lord, keep me humble, make me humble – let it be about You, not about me.
I think that has been one of my regular prayers ever since that Matt Redman song
It’s all about you…..got stuck in my head as a teenager.
Humility. It is one of those words I have struggled to understand what it actually means in practice. How can we be proud of our achievements and celebrate them, yet also be humble? It always seemed fake to me if someone congratulated me on some achievement to say ‘well, really, it was all God/my teacher/a coincidence!’ just so it sounded humble. And how can it be a good thing for a parent to say “I’m proud of you” but yet not be something we are trying to seek?
I always thought that it would be a prayer that God would maybe answer one day – just change my heart as I slept so I woke up all humble, or at least a little bit more humble each day.
I now understand that in part, humility is based in thankfulness and a recognition that whatever we achieve, it is only because of Him. We give Him recognition as the source of that. Sometimes it can be more humble to recognize Him in my heart than as a false humility to others. And sometimes I need to make sure that He is outwardly mentioned to be the reason why anything worthy of recognition is in my life.
The Bible tells us in James 4:10 to humble ourselves before the Lord and to clothe ourselves in humility in 1 Peter 5:5-7. So that tells me that there is something I can do to make myself more humble – I don’t have to just wait for God to answer my prayer!
But what exactly can we do to humble ourselves? There is a great list here that I recommend you take some time to look at and pray through, but I think that overall it comes down to trust. Because, when we can trust that it is our Daddy’s responsibility to open doors, to defend us in our relationships, to make things happen, to protect our hearts, to fill us up where we give out, we enter into the freedom of humility: letting go and letting God and truly recognizing: It’s all about Him.