It's Going to be Okay
Sometimes the questions are too big. The future is too unknown. Sometimes the answers are not there. Or not what I want to hear. Sometimes I don’t need the answers, but rather just the assurance that it’s going to be okay.
There have been weeks recently where I look at my children through eyes that look deep - that look beyond. Where I thank God for their oblivion to the harder things that are going on. Where I thank God that they reassuringly represent a normality and a consistency I can’t see right now. That I am grateful that their strong emotions of anger or joy come from a stolen toy or the chocolate they’ve been offered rather than from asking too many big questions and not liking the answers!
When life is overwhelming
When the future is unknown.
When we don’t know where we are going to be or what we will be focused on in a year from now.
When life as we know it now will be different and constants gone.
The emotions that rise up:
Unsettled, anxious hands that need calming,
Lonely heart that needs a reassuring touch,
Failure threatening to speak loud in my ear,
Dreams not accomplished - glimpse of things and hope not realized mocking me.
Sometimes I just need to hear:
It's going to be okay.
God is the same.
He knows about tomorrow. I just need to know Him today.
He will guide me into His purposes.
He will protect my heart.
His love is big enough to encompass all my fears, all my insecurities, all my failures.
It’s going to be Okay.
He has good plans for my life.
That doesn’t mean that everything that happens will be good, but rather He is Good and His Goodness can saturate any situation.
I need to shift my perspective.
I need to thank and praise like there is no tomorrow.
I need to grab hold of all life is now - the messy, the imperfect, the gems in the dust and hold them up high to His light, and let His light shine through.
It’s going to be okay.
Because it is not me taking God’s hand, but rather Him taking mine and walking me, carrying me down the road.
The glimmer of hope is enough to know that:
It’s going to be okay.
And those simple words - You are going to be okay the title of the book Holley Gerth that I am beginning to soak in slowly. Those words have whispered truth and hugged my heart with assurance and God’s peace.
And I am beginning to believe:
It’s going to be okay.
“And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love him...”
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