Go Outside!
Go Outside!
This morning as I got out of bed, the balcony door had been left open and in slid a crisp, inviting, fresh morning air. I took it to be an invitation from the Lord to go outside for my quiet time and meet Him in Creation.
Daniel and Kaleb were already up so I asked them if they wanted to come with me and together we walked the four blocks down to the sea front. I know it sounds idyllic, but it really is not - our neighbourhood is rather run-down and the beach is covered in junk and a ripped red flag suggests it was once classified as unsafe for swimming.
As we walked out of our gate a blackbird sang an unusual morning song and we thanked God for the bird. As we rounded the corner one of the many dogs meandered past and we thanked God for dogs. As we walked towards the beach several small gardens held different plants and flowers and we stopped to look at different ones and thanked God for the different variety of plants and flowers that He made - different cactuses and desert flowers, yellow poppies and grasses. As we neared the sea we saw different birds flying over the ocean and the discussed how amazing that God has put limits on the sea.
It wasn’t an earth-shattering, miracle-abounding walk. But it was a joyful one as we looked for bits of God’s creation and acknowledged them as such. Of course, sometimes creation is bold and stunning and breath-taking, but sometimes the joy comes in just recognizing and admiring the flower placed in a vase. When I look at an astromelia and see how the petals look like they have been painted with a paintbrush, I find it so difficult to try and explain their existence by chance and not designed by a loving Creator.
One of the things I LOVED about being in England and the States recently was the availability of nature and green and forests and countryside which we don’t have anywhere near our house. I loved being outside, amongst so many of God’s creations and seeing His artwork everywhere. It is like a personal treasure hunt!
And call me crazy, but it is as if creation itself in its very being radiates the presence of the Creator. I have no problems imagining in my mind trees and forests bursting into song and clapping their hands.
“You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.”
Anna, it’s a metaphor…a META-PHORRR! Okay, that may be, but call out the men in white coats if you want, but I just believe that one day the trees and the fields will clap their hands. One day the rocks will cry out. I just can’t imagine that creation will be able to contain its joy at seeing the sons of glory being revealed (Romans 8).
Let's put on joy together:
Where can get outside today and admire something God created?
May God's creation give you joy today! This is Day 5 of a 21 Day challenge to put on joy in practical ways. You can receive these posts by email by clicking to sign up here.