One Way to Join with Heaven Now
One Way to Join with Heaven Now
Is it just me who has been frustrated when the fruits of the Holy Spirit don’t automatically appear in my life at all times?
Although I do believe that the fruits are gifts of grace and cannot be earned, sometimes I fail to recognize they are also part of the process of becoming more like Jesus and often require faith to walk in on a daily basis.
If I want to be more patient with my kids, some days I have an abundance of patience for them (you know, like 1 day out of ….) and others not so much! I have to have faith that God will meet my needs not my kids behaviour. On those days I step into faith, my patience grows.
If I want to have more joy, I sometimes need to step into joy - I need to put on the garment of praise offered to me - it is not the first thing flowing from my insides. Stepping into joy is often an act of faith for me and one of those ways is beginning the day in song.
Whether it be singing a worship song in the shower, picking up a guitar, turning on a CD or joining in with a YouTube video, beginning the day often forcing myself to worship shifts my spirit.
Declaring who God is, shouting and singing it loud raises my spirit and pushes back that shroud of despair from the enemy.
The Bible tells us that the angels constantly sing praises to God. It tells us that His faithful people will ever sing for joy. Who wants a touch of heaven today? Who wants to see heaven on earth today? I know I yearn for that and amazingly, no matter how tuneful we are, when we sing, we join heaven’s chorus to God!
When you look at the Bible verses connected with singing and joy, you see that singing is a command! And not because God wants to control us, but because He wants us to join Him in joy and He knows we will only find true joy in Him.
Take a moment to look through these Bible verses and consider for a moment where and when and where you can incorporate singing and shouting for joy in your life:
“Sing joyfully to the Lord, you righteous; it is fitting for the upright to praise him.”
“Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy.”
“Sing for joy to God our strength; shout aloud to the God of Jacob!”
“I will clothe her priests with salvation, and her faithful people will ever sing for joy.”
“Let his faithful people rejoice in this honor and sing for joy on their beds.”
“Shout aloud and sing for joy, people of Zion, for great is the Holy One of Israel among you.””
Let's put on joy together:
Take 5 Minutes to sing out praise today.
Here's a You Tube video with lyrics to get you started!
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I hope you are finding these posts helpful. This is Day 3 of a 21 Day challenge to put on joy in practical ways. You can receive these posts by email by clicking to sign up here.