Kitchen Diaries Part 4: God is not in a Hurry
I am in a hurry to get the kitchen done. I am fed up with the kitchen not being finished.
God is not in a hurry. He is not fed up with the kitchen not being finished.
I am trying to see it from His perspective.
This last couple of weeks progress has been slow, painfully slow, but little by little it is happening. On the outside you won’t see a lot of difference, but the work being done takes time if we want it to last.
Last week with no workmen available to continue the work, I began plastering the walls myself. In doing that I realized how long these things actually take. We have removed tiles from the walls, so the walls are bumpy and uneven in huge sections. If you apply plaster thickly over the walls then it dries and splits and falls off - you have to apply a thin layer, sand that layer down and then reapply, over and over again. If you try and hurry it, it just cracks under the pressure. I know I can apply thick layers and some of it may hold, but there are no guarantees and we want the paint work to last.
And of course, God used those hours of plastering to talk to me about life and how often I am in a hurry to get things done. How I want to move onto the next thing, see growth and change right now in my life and the lives of others. He has been emphasizing that if we saw the breakthrough right now, we would lose the opportunity for character growth on the way.
How amazingly patient is our Creator with us - layer by layer smoothing over the bumps in our lives, little by little, with care and patience, not with concern and irritability. He knows what we need and He is never in a rush. He desires for us to be able to sustain the breakthroughs He wants to bring into our lives.
This week, Jose, one of our students has been helping out with the work and slowly, but surely doing an amazing job. And I am submitting to the process and not trying to hurry it along anymore - just trying to enjoy the ride - knowing it will be worth doing it well. And that one day, some day soon, it will be all finished and it will be worth it!
“God’s word never says Hurry Up. God’s words only whisper: Wake Up. ”
“Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. ”
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